Tag: Poetic Flows Podcast

  • King David emeraldbookclub.org

    Absalom And Achitophel

    Poem by John Dryden Absalom And Achitophel In pious times, ere priest-craft did begin, Before polygamy was made a sin; When man,…

  • Defeat Khalil Gibran emeraldbookclub

    Defeat by Khalil Gibran

    🔉 – POETIC FLOWS PODCAST Defeat By Kahlil GibranDefeat, my Defeat, my solitude and my aloofness;You are dearer to me…

  • Good Books emeraldbookclub.org

    Good Books by Edgar Guest

    Good BooksbyEdgar Guest Good books are friendly things to own.If you are busy they will wait.They will not call you…

  • Year’s End by Richard Wilbur

    Year’s End by Richard Wilbur Now winter downs the dying of the year,    And night is all a settlement of…

  • December by Thomas Parsons

    December by Thomas Parsons

    December by Thomas Parsons You have again made your way in,Cold and beautiful.You are December,And I love you.Despite the seasonal…

  • It is November by Elizabeth Shield

    It is November by Elizabeth Shield

    It Is November It is NovemberAnd all the leaves face my wayOverlapping tussocks of grassLike long forgotten hillsDwelling in the…

  • A Psalm of Life emeraldbookclub.org

    A Psalm of Life

    A Psalm of Life By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Tell me not, in mournful numbers,   Life is but an empty dream! For…

  • poetic flows podcast emeraldbookclub.org

    The Poetic Flows Podcast

    Welcome to The Poetic Flows Podcast 🎙️ Poetic Flows Podcast by Emerald Book Club 🌿 Join us every Monday night…